Last week, I had to look twice when these photographs arrived. I thought it was me! But this is actually Grace. She dressed up for her school's Book Week Parade and looks amazing.
If you dressed up, I'd love to feature you on the blog too, so just send the photos to my best grown up friend, Jacqueline Harvey at her email address jacqueline@jacquelineharvey.com.au
I'm really enjoying hearing what you all think about the new book, Alice-Miranda Shows the Way. It was such a great adventure - and I love that Bony has a new friend too.

Have a great week at school - happy Spring to all my Australian friends and happy Autumn and Fall to my British and American friends. I know some of you in England and America are starting school this week, so all the best for a wonderful year.
Loads of love,
Alice-Miranda xoxox
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